Dysbacteriosis: what can be confused with


Gut bacteria are so small that they cannot be seen without a microscope. But the results of their “work” are so great that even the brain gets under the influence. Modern research finds more and more evidence of how much the “health” of the microbiota affects the health of the whole organism. But the signs…

Childhood illnesses with rash. Vaccinations and Immunity Assessment


Most childhood infections are accompanied by various rashes. A rash is a general reaction of the body to the toxic effects of the pathogen and its waste products, and the child has an accelerated metabolism, wide vessels and good blood circulation. It is best to get sick with childhood diseases in childhood. Firstly, this is…

Hair loss: what tests will a trichologist ask for?


Why does hair fall out? What if care and vitamins don’t work? And what organs can be “guilty” of baldness? When to sound the alarm Hair loss is a natural and safe process. However, if the hair falls out in “clumps”, together with the bulb, or breaks off at the very scalp – a visit…

Peptic ulcer: how to identify by tests


More recently, patients with suspected gastric or intestinal ulcers were forced to undergo a rather unpleasant procedure – FGDS. “Swallowing a light bulb,” as endoscopy is called in everyday life, was the only way to confirm or deny the diagnosis. And today – the risk of developing stomach ulcers can be “seen” by analyzes. It…

Dry skin: why


Few people know, but dry skin is such a delicate problem that even a “moisturizing” cream can provoke it. How to avoid its appearance? And how can you help your skin recover? Leakage protection The skin can be compared to a brick wall, where keratinocytes (dead cells) serve as bricks, and three types of lipids…

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